
Oklahoma Senator James Lankford Advocates for Bi-Partisan Immigration Reform & Border Security Reforms

Oklahoma Senator James Lankford discusses his bi-partisan immigration reform bill, addressing border security and asylum process reforms, amid pushback from Republican leaders and accusations of amnesty. Lankford emphasizes the need…

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Lasted Immigration

Undocumented Immigrants and Florida Healthcare Costs: Debating the $566 Million Impact

Critics challenge Florida Healthcare data on Undocumented Immigrants' impact, disputing $566 million Healthcare Costs, and call for answers to questions…

Impact of Canada Asylum Seeker Surge on Indian PR and Student Visas

Canada's asylum seeker surge could impact Indian PR and students by causing bottlenecks in visa processing. Express Entry reforms were…

US Immigration’s New Gender Option Ignites Debate | What You Need To Know

US immigration forms now include a third gender option, recognizing diverse identities. This change, effective before March 2023 end, has…

Skilled Workers vs. Illegal Immigrants: The Future of American Citizenship Policies

The U.S. is challenged by contrasting immigration stances on skilled workers and illegal immigrants, sparking debate over fairness and economic…

New Bridge Visa Proposal: The Future of Legal Immigration & Workers?

The bridge visa proposal aims to modernize U.S. immigration, offering a flexible solution to match employer demands and migrant aspirations.…

Consequences of Marrying an Illegal Immigrant

Marrying an undocumented immigrant involves navigating legal and emotional challenges, including adjusting the immigrant's status, facing potential deportation, and dealing…

Alberta Immigration Program: Tourism and Hospitality Stream Update

Alberta has launched an immigration program targeting temporary foreign workers in tourism and hospitality, offering them a path to permanent…

Biden Immigration Policy Proposal for Long-Term Migrants

President Biden may introduce a DACA-like program granting green card eligibility to long-term illegal residents to prevent hardship for families,…