To change the job location for a PERM-advertised position after submitting the application, certain immigration compliance steps must be followed. These steps need to be taken to ensure the process…
As of July 1, 2024, the OFLC details prevailing wage determination processing times: CW-1 (April 2024), H-1B (Non-OEWS January 2024,…
After an I-140 approval, switching jobs requires careful timing to avoid jeopardizing your green card process. If the I-485 application…
Discover the significance of job advertisement in the I-140 and PERM process. Learn why it's essential, required documents, and detailed…
Employment status plays a crucial role in US permanent residency applications. Understanding its impact on the US immigration process is…
When a company pauses PERM filing, individuals can self-petition externally, allowing them to pursue their application independently.
Switching lawyers during the PERM application process is legal but requires careful consideration due to potential delays and complications. The…
Understanding the PERM Process and I-140 Form is crucial for obtaining Immigration Visas efficiently. Streamlining these steps is essential for…
Yes, you can switch employers with a pending I-140 through I-140 Portability. Understanding the process is vital for a smooth…
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