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H-1B Visa Processing Fees: What to Expect

The processing fees for an H-1B visa typically include the base filing fee, the American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act…

Tax Obligations for H-1B Holders in the U.S.

H-1B holders in the U.S. are required to pay taxes. As non-immigrants with work visas, they must adhere to federal…

Determining the Required Wage for H-1B Positions

The determination of the required wage for an H-1B position is based on the prevailing wage rate. This rate is…

Understanding the H-1B Visa Portability Rule

The H-1B visa's portability rule allows workers to change employers while their visa application is still in process. This rule…

Required Information for Filing an H-1B: Employer’s Obligations

When filing an H-1B, employers must provide specific information, including the job title, job description, salary details, and the educational…

Duration of the H-1B Visa

The H-1B visa duration is typically granted for a maximum of 3 years, with the possibility of a 3-year extension.…

Determining Fair Wages for H-1B Visa Holders

When it comes to H-1B visa holders, the question of how much they should be paid is a significant one.…

Transferring Your H-1B Visa to a New Employer

To transfer your H-1B visa to a new employer, you must follow specific steps. First, find a new employer who…