Green Card

Understanding the Impact of Employment-Based Category Changes on Your I-485

If there are changes in employment-based categories during the green card application process, it can potentially impact the I-485. These changes may include updates in eligibility criteria or priority dates,…

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Lasted Green Card

Forms DS-260 and DS-261: Your Guide to National Visa Center Processing and the Green Card Application Process

Form DS-261 is an online form that allows you to choose how the Department of State communicates with you during…

Family-Based Green Card Processing Time: How Long Does it Take?

The processing time for family-based green cards varies depending on factors such as the petitioner's citizenship status and the applicant's…

How does a change of citizenship impact the green card application process in the USA?

When it comes to getting a green card in the USA, your citizenship and birth country can impact the process.…

Green Card Sponsorship: Process, Requirements, and Documents for Family Members

To obtain a green card, one can apply through sponsorship by a U.S. citizen or permanent resident family member. The…

Conditional Green Card vs Regular Green Card: What’s the Difference and How Does it Work?

A conditional green card is a temporary version of a regular green card. It is issued to spouses of U.S.…

Green Card Processing Times by Category

The processing time for a Green Card can range from 7 to 33 months. The duration depends on factors like…

January 2024 Visa Bulletin: Advances in All Categories

The January Visa Bulletin outlines important updates for sponsored foreign nationals seeking green cards. Notable changes include significant advancements in…

Green Card Delay: Indian Workers Stuck in 134-Year Queue

According to a new analysis by the Cato Institute, over 400,000 Indian workers in the U.S. face a 134-year wait…